Remembrance of Exile: Memory meet Metropolis
Public lecture at the annual conference of exile research “Vor Ort: Erinnerung, Exil, Migration” [At site: memory, exile, migration] on 03.09.2021.

During our research we have been able to locate numerous artists who had to flee Europe between 1933 and 1945 and who contributed significantly to the artistic developments in global cities of exile. However their lives and work are barely visible in their cities of origin.Taking this absence as an occasion, Burcu Dogramaci and Mareike Schwarz from METROMOD gave a lecture on “Erinnerung findet Stadt. Vergegenwärtigung von Exil an den Orten von einst” [Memory meets metropolis. Envisioning of exile at the places of yesteryear].
In dialogue with artistic positions and people from diverse communities, we asked about the relevance of this remembrance practice for today’s post-migrant urban society. How can we consider global exiles’ dispersion by creating a dynamic form of commemoration that is not set in stone in the places of yesteryear? Is remembering on site important and if so, for whom and why?
Find the conference summary here.
We were more than happy about the fruitful discussion on these complex issues and want to thank all the participants. Also many thanks to the Gesellschaft für Exilforschung e.V. (GfE) and the NS Documentation Centre Munich for organising the conference!